Contact Spero
Greensboro NC 27407-2995
Tassia Carter: 336.987.3946
Jana Carter: 336.338.4239
The word Spero is Latin for Hope or I Hope. Spero Developmental Daycare & After School Services provides childcare and education for toddlers with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment, giving them and their families hope for an empowering present and future.
At Spero, an entire clinical staff housed next door through WesCare Professional Services provides an assessment and treatment plan for each incoming child, addressing their specific diagnosis and establishing a guide to help them achieve measurable goals.
We utilize our proprietary anti-bullying curriculum to help reduce the bullying of children with special needs by empowering our youth to boost their confidence and self-esteem and teaching advocacy to all students in our care.
Call 336.808.5876 for more information, to schedule a tour, or enroll.